Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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# u.sgp.1 - pleasant@rutgers.edu - Tue Aug 24 09:22:58 EDT 1993
#N csar
#F uunet.uu.net
#S SCO Unix V/386 v3.2.1 on an ALR 33/386
#O CSA Research Private Limited
#C Harish Pillay (harish%csar@uunet.uu.net)
#E root%csar@uunet.uu.net
#T +65 775 6488
#P 12 Science Park Drive #03-01, The Mendel, Singapore 0511
#L 1 25 N / 103 50 E City
#R Developer of CASE tools.
#U uunet
#W root%csar@uunet.uu.net (Charlie Root); Thu Apr 23, 1992 1500 SST
## Local Sites
csar csar(DEMAND),temasek(DEMAND),aslsng(DEMAND)
# Foreign Sites
csar uunet(EVENING)
csar = csar.com.sg
#N datanetl
#S VESA i486DX2-66; Microsoft DOS R6.0
#O The Calling Centre BBS
#C Kuah Woon Wah
#E datanetlink.org!root
#T +011 65 271 8397
#P Bukit Merah Central P.O. Box 0691 Singapore 9115
#L 01 25 N / 103 50 E city
#W postmaster@uunet.UU.NET (L. Gerhardt); Tue Aug 17 16:47:45 EDT 1993
datanetl uunet(DEMAND)
#N temasek
#S Waffle v1.64/Windows 3.0/MS-DOS 5.0, ALR 33/386
#O Private Singapore UUCP and Usenet Site
#C Harish Pillay (harish@ece.orst.edu)
#E postmaster%temasek.uucp@cs.orst.edu
#T +65 278 4191
#P 115 Bukit Purmei Road #05-234, Singapore 0409
#L 1 25 N / 103 50 E City
#R Alternate private site for uucp and usenet in Singapore
#R All sites please take note: If mail is sent to user@temasek.sg it
#R will bounce. temasek does not have a local uucp access to support
#R the .sg domain yet. So please keep addresses as
#R user%temasek.uucp@cs.orst.edu
#R Requests for uucp and Usenet feeds from any site is Singapore or
#R surrounding ASEAN sites welcome. Send mail to:
#R root%temasek.uucp@cs.orst.edu
#U orstcs csar
#W harish%temasek.uucp@cs.orst.edu (Harish Pillay); Wed Apr 22, 1992
# 1300 SST
## Local Sites
private {infinity}
temasek temasek(DEMAND),bluevox(DEMAND),infinity(DEMAND),csar(DEMAND),
# Foreign Sites
temasek orstcs(EVENING)
#N walt, walt.omron.sg
#F uunet.uu.net
#S 4.3 BSD and System V R2-1
#O Omron Management Centre of Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
#C Mohamed Ibrahim
#E walt!root
#T +1 065 353 2611
#P 510 Thomson Road #13-03, SLF Building, Singapore 1129
#L 01 25 N / 103 50 E [city]
#W asp@uunet.UU.NET (Andrew Partan); Fri Oct 26 20:27:40 EDT 1990
walt .omron.sg
walt = walt.omron.sg
walt = .omron.sg
walt uunet(DEMAND)
# End of u.sgp.1